caramel-oatmeal brownies

I really wanted to do some baking the other day, so I pulled out a recipe I’d been meaning to try for quite a while: Caramel-Oatmeal Brownies.

I used turbinado sugar instead of regular brown sugar, and I added slices of pear between the layers, but otherwise I followed the recipe as closely as I ever follow recipes. The oatmeal cookie layer is resistant to cutting, but the brownies are really tasty. (Oh, how I love chocolate and pear together. Lots of fruits, really, but I don’t often eat pears for texture reasons, so they’re more exciting in baked goods.)

If you have oats that are slightly more processed (quick oats or something; I think even regular commercial oats are often flatter than the ones I buy in bulk from my local co-op), they might work better.  If I’m using these again, I might scant the oats a smidge or use a little bit more liquid in the cookie layer.

(No, that’s not a giant brownie–it’s on a saucer.)